sell Modesto House

4 Factors in Selling a Modesto House Fast

Posted by Raul Luna // October 16, 2017

Modesto House

Each seller wants to sell their Modesto house fast, but that doesn’t always happen. While it’s easy to think that the Modesto sellers who do were just lucky, luck has nothing to do with it. There are specific things that the seller can control that help determine how fast (or slow) a Modesto house is […]

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5 Ways to Save When Modesto House Hunting

Posted by Raul Luna // September 25, 2017

Modesto House

Are you a bargain hunter? Do you love scouring the ads each week to see what special deals await you? Or maybe you spend your lunch break or Saturday clipping coupons or checking the online discounts. You can find a deal on just about anything. Unfortunately, Modesto house hunting isn’t exactly like bargain hunting. There […]

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